These are the upcoming openings to be elected at our Annual Meeting. Each of these positions are a 2 year volunteer term; Vice President, Secretary, Director of Legislative Affairs, and Director of Public Relations for 2017-2018 will be elected.

 The attached PDF document below will illustrate according to our current by-laws the standard duties & obligations of each of the four positions open for election this year. 

 To be selected to one of these position please submit your contact info below and we will include your name on the ballot. We will conduct a live election during our Annual Meeting on December 3, 2016 in Oak Ridge, TN. Those unable to attend can still submit and participate online though our webinar electronically. You may also vote online at the same live moment that we  process the election of each position. 

Below is the link for more details on the meeting including a link to our Webinar, to register and participate if you are unable to join us in person at the Double Tree hotel. 

Meeting Details

Webinar Registration
